November Minutes
November 13, 2014
1. Call To Order:
A meeting of the New Jersey Intergovernmental Insurance Fund was called to Order on Thursday, September 25, 2014 at 10:04 a.m. in Wayne, N.J. Executive Board Chairman Thomas Carroll read the Open Public Meetings Act Statement and announced that notices were placed in newspaper and posted as required.
2. Pledge of Allegiance:
Chairman Carroll opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Roll Call:
Commissioners Present: Lou Beckerman (City of Union City), Thomas Carroll (Borough of Wanaque), Mayor John Duthie (Borough of Roseland), Michael Kronyak (Borough of Hasbrouck Heights), Joseph Martin (Township of Verona), Heather Reeves (Township of Wayne), Ed Smith (County of Warren), Thomas Tucci (Township of Cedar Grove) Chairman Carroll advised that Commissioner Smith would serve in place of Board Member Miller at today’s meeting.
Others Present: Jack Alderton (PMA-TPA), David Balken (BRM), Neil Bellet (Township of Wayne), Robert Calise (CMFO), Linda D’Alessio (Recording Secretary), John Daly (Wells-Fargo), Christine Grabowski (PMA-TPA), Maria Makos (Polaris Galaxy-Risk Manager), Eric J. Nemeth Esq. (Eric J. Nemeth, P.C.-General Counsel), John A. Serapiglia (Polaris Galaxy-Risk Manager), Gary Vinci (Lerch, Vinci & Higgins, LLP-Auditor), Tim Weir (PMA-TPA)
4. Approval of Minutes – October 23, 2014
It was moved by Martin, seconded by Smith, that the Minutes for the October 23, 2014 Meeting of The New Jersey Intergovernmental Insurance Fund be accepted as presented.
Roll Call
Aye: Beckerman, Duthie, Kronyak, Martin, Smith, Tucci, Carroll
Nay: None
Abstain: Duthie
5. Correspondence: None
6. Finance Report: CMFO Calise reported that copies of the monthly financial
including the Multi Line Fund and Workers Compensation Fund 2014 Assessment
payment summaries, copies of which are provided in the meeting Agenda packet.
Also included in the Agenda materials were the ML & WC November 2014 Bill
List and Claims Paid Lists.
a. Nominating Committee (Tucci) – Appointment of Executive Board member upon the retirement of Robert Miller.
It was moved by Tucci, seconded by Kronyak that the appointment of Heather Reeves be accepted as presented.
Roll Call
Aye: Beckerman, Duthie, Kronyak, Martin, Reeves, Tucci & Carroll
Nay: None
Abstain: None
b. By-Law Committee (Miller) – No report
Legislative Committee (Martin) – Martin reported that next week at the Atlantic City convention, Tom Carroll will be swore in as the President of the New Jersey Municipal Management Association.
c. Coverage Committee (Tucci) – For Closed sessions
d. Professionals Committee (Kronyak) – Kronyak reported all RFP’s are out and where due back yesterday. PMA contract for Workers Compensation and Multi-Lines have been extended for 2 more years.
It was moved by Kronyak, seconded by Tucci, that PMA contracts for WC and ML be accepted as presented.
Roll Call
Aye: Beckerman, Duthie, Kronyak, Martin, Reeves, Tucci & Carroll
Nay: None
Abstain: None
e. Finance Committee (Martin) – Martin introduces the 2015 WC and ML
It was moved by Martin, seconded by Kronyak that the 2015 WC Budget be accepted as presented.
Roll Call
Aye: Beckerman, Duthie, Kronyak, Martin, Reeves, Tucci & Carroll
Nay: None
Abstain: None
It was moved by Martin, seconded by Kronyak that the 2015 ML Budget be accepted as presented.
Roll Call
Aye: Beckerman, Duthie, Kronyak, Martin, Reeves, Tucci & Carroll
Nay: None
Abstain: None
f. Safety/Loss Control Committee (Saros) – none
g. New Member & Development Committee (Martin) – For Closed session.
h. Risk Management Committee (Beckerman) – none
7. Chairman’s Report – – Chairman Carroll reported that he continues to be
pleased with the NJIIF and Professional Committees.
8. Risk Manager’s Report – Co-Administrator Serapiglia reported we still waiting for
additional quotes, with current quotes we are seeing a decrease in premiums. First
time in a long time we are seeing numbers go down. We are also hosting a dinner
at Carmine’s in Atlantic City on 11/19/2014.
9. Loss Control Consultant’s Report – No report
10.WC Loss Control Consultant’s Report/TPA Report – Jack Alderton reported he is
currently working on setting up training session for December 3rd.
11. Bill List—WC Fund/ML Fund
It was moved by Martin, seconded by Kronyak, that the WC and ML Bill Lists for November 13, 2014 be approved for payment.
Roll Call
Aye: Beckerman, Duthie, Kronyak, Martin, Reeves, Tucci & Carroll
Nay: None
Abstain: None
12. Old Business – none
13. New Business – none
14. Closed Session
It was moved by Martin, seconded by Duthie, that pursuant to the form of Closed Session Motion attached hereto (the “Closed Session Motion”), the Board should move into Closed Session to discuss matters as outlined in the subject motion.
Roll Call
Aye: Beckerman, Duthie, Kronyak, Martin, Reeves, Tucci & Carroll
Nay: None
Abstain: None
It was moved by Martin, seconded by Tucci, that the Minutes of the Fund’s Closed Session meeting of October 23, 2014 be accepted as presented.
Roll Call
Aye: Beckerman, Duthie, Kronyak, Martin, Reeves, Tucci & Carroll
Nay: None
Abstain: Duthie
It was moved by Tucci, seconded by Kronyak, that the WC Claims recommendations and Fund Counsel’s Report be accepted as presented.
Roll Call
Aye: Beckerman, Duthie, Kronyak, Martin, Reeves, Tucci & Carroll
Nay: None
Abstain: None
It was moved by Tucci, seconded by Martin, that the Multi-Line Claims recommendations and Fund Counsel’s Report regarding ML Fund matters be accepted as presented.
Roll Call
Aye: Beckerman, Duthie, Kronyak, Martin, Reeves, Tucci & Carroll
Nay: None
Abstain: None
There being no further business for Closed Session it was moved by Martin, seconded by Tucci, that the Board return to Open Session
Roll Call
Aye: Beckerman, Duthie, Kronyak, Martin, Reeves, Tucci & Carroll
Nay: None
Abstain: None
It was moved by Beckerman, seconded by Duthie, to approve all actions, including but not limited to requests for settlement authority for the WC and ML Fund matters listed in the Closed Session Motion, and the coverage positions recommended by General Counsel in Closed Session.
Roll Call
Aye: Beckerman, Duthie, Kronyak, Martin, Reeves, Tucci & Carroll
Nay: None
Abstain: None
There being no further business to discuss, Motion by Beckerman, Seconded by Duthie to adjourn the NJIIF’s November 13, 2014 Meeting.
Roll Call
Aye: Beckerman, Duthie, Kronyak, Martin, Reeves, Tucci & Carroll
Nay: None
Abstain: None
The November 13, 2014 Meeting was adjourned at 10:50 am.