NJ Intergovernmental Insurance Fund
PRIMA’s 2021 Virtual Annual Conference
Join us Monday, June 14th – Wednesday, June 16th

While we certainly miss meeting in person, PRIMA is thrilled about the new opportunities that come along with the new virtual format. PRIMA’s 2021 Virtual Annual Conference, #PRIMA21, will give you the chance to connect with your peers and industry thought leaders from around the country.
What you can expect…
- 3 days Bi-coastal Friendly Schedule
- 50+ Virtual Live and On-Demand Education Sessions
- Live Peer to Peer Engagement
Register Now to Receive Early Bird Rate
View our Virtual 2021 Education Session Line-Up!
PRIMA21 offers more than 50 educational opportunities covering the latest trends and topics affecting public risk management today.
NEW Education Tracks
- Advance Risk Management Administration
- Basic Risk Management Administration
- Employee Benefits/ Human Resources
- General Liability/ Auto
- Insurance
- Risk Control
- Workers’ Compensation